How it works in four easy stages
  1. You register with us
  2. Send your question
  3. The first question will be short and at a reduced rate to allow you to assess if the type of service is suitable for your needs
  4. If you then wish to proceed with either a more detailed answer of further questions you can submit as many questions as you like for the standard fee
  5. You also send payment and we forward the answer to your question

Answers can be expanded at request but to keep cost down will be initially succinct.

Disclaimer: We can only provide information according to published medical literature of medical studies and current medical opinion from experts in the field. We do not offer specific advice regarding your diagnosis or treatment. All information given will be supported by medical publications, we aim to give you an unbiased explanation of these but we acknowledge that there always different opinions regarding the interpretation of medical studies and the choice of treatment for medical illnesses.
(Please see full terms and  conditions)
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