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Qmed is directed by Ms Michelle Larner and Mr Huw Leyshon (pictured) and Dr Stephen Middleton draw on the expertise of a wide range of  scientists and doctors as required to answer your questions. Information is gathered from these experts and from information in the medical and scientific literature and put together in an easily understood manner designed to provide clear,  comprehensive and up to date answers to your questions submitted through the Qmed web site. Ms Larner has had extensive experience in the health care service as a nurse for over 20 years, holding senior clinical positions during this time. Mr Leyshon trained as a scientist and also obtained higher degrees in physiology. Dr Middleton has been a Hospital consultant specialising in Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Transplantation and general medicine. In addition to this the directors draw on the experience and knowledge of other scientists and health care professionals who include hospital consultants as well as general practitioners. Where appropriate the latest research will be reviewed and taken into consideration. 
The answers that you get to your questions are therefore an amalgamation of information from a number of different sources which we feel will provide a balanced view of the facts, and which we aim to make as easily understood as possible. The answer provided is not one person's view, and national guidelines will be taken into account as appropriate.
It is important to remember that the answers provided are not to be taken as medical advice for an individual person. If medical advice is required for a particular condition or symptom this should be obtained from a medical practitioner such as your GP or a hospital specialist. Nevertheless, the information provided can help you to understand a medical condition and learn about the treatment options. Although are service provides what we feel is a good degree of information we recognise that answers will not contain all the available information as this would provide a confusing picture in many cases. We aim to provide the most important aspects of the available information and where appropriate can extend this into the more recent discoveries made by medical research. We do not claim to provide all the facts about any subject, nor would we wish to attempt this. As a considerable amount of effort will be needed to produce answers of a good standard we feel that the charge for the service is reasonable.
Although this is a commercial enterprise about half the profits will be used for medical research.
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